Corporate/Commercial Law, Mergers & Acquisitions
Our appreciation of the risks and complexities involved in Commercial and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) transactions as well as the legal and regulatory regime in Ghana keeps us a step ahead in providing practical solutions to our clients on their deals and corporate transactions.
The expertise of our Corporate and Mergers & Acquisitions department spans advising entities on corporate governance, regulatory compliance, structuring and restructuring, insolvency, commercial contracts negotiations, drafting & reviews as well as due diligence.
Our team also specializes in matters concerning business registrations with the Office of the Registrar of Companies and other institutions. We offer Company Secretarial services as well as regularizing residency status of foreign businesses and national.
- General counsel to an international real estate developer specializing in complex high-rise developments for both commercial and residential purposes worth US$ 15 million.
- Advised a multinational technology company on corporate governance, regulatory compliance and assisted with secondary incorporation with the Ghana Investment Promotion Center (GIPC), as well as obtaining permit for expatriate staff among others.
- Advised the local subsidiary of one of the world’s leading agro-industrial companies.
- General Counsel to one of the leading civil engineering and building constructors in Ghana.